"It is essential that the operation of the pavilion works on a day-to-day basis and that students enter real food production as part of their work experience," says the director of the Food Pavilion.

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  • "It is essential that the operation of the pavilion works on a day-to-day basis and that students enter real food production as part of their work experience," says the director of the Food Pavilion.

The official opening of the Food Pavilion of the FAPPZ on the ČZU campus is approaching, several plants will be launched in basic mode at the beginning of the summer, others will gradually join. In an interview, its director Ing. David Farský.

Full article on https://zivauni.cz/je-zasadni-aby-provoz-pavilonu-fungoval-na-dennodenni-bazi-a-student-v-ramci-praxi-vstupoval-do-realne-potravinarske-vyroby-rika-reditel-potravinarskeho-pavilonu/

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