
ČZU na Zemi živitelce 2024: Agropočasí a projekty pro udržitelnou budoucnost

Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze se zúčastní 50. ročníku mezinárodního agrosalonu Země živitelka 2024. Od 22. do 27. srpna představí na českobudějovickém výstavišti řadu projektů zaměřených na udržitelné zemědělství a péči o krajinu. Agropočasí: Informace pro zemědělce Fakulta agrobiologie, potravinových a přírodních zdrojů ČZU bude 24. srpna prezentovat portál Agropočasí.cz. Tento nástroj nabízí zemědělcům: Předpověď […]
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How to feed a nation

The Czech Television's Fokus Václav Moravec programme was attended on 28 June 2022 by Prof. Ing. Josef Soukup, CSc., Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, and Ing. Tomáš Maier, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Operations and Economics. The programme can be viewed at
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Do you like goat cheese?

Some love them, others hate them. Goat's milk products divide society into two camps thanks to their characteristic taste and smell. Milk is rightly regarded as one of the basic ingredients of the diet. Today, the consumption of milk (not only cow's milk) and dairy products in the Czech Republic is increasing year by year. In 2019, people consumed an average of 249 kg of milk per person. The production of goat milk occupies approximately 2.4 % of [...]
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Unique Food Pavilion goes into operation!

Opening ceremony The long-awaited opening of the Agricultural Products Processing Training Centre (APTC) of the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources (FAPPZ) took place on 28 June in the morning. The opening speech and the ceremonial ribbon cutting were given by the Rector of the Czech University of Life Sciences Petr Sklenička, the Dean of the FAPPZ Josef Soukup, the Minister of Agriculture Zdeněk Nekula, the Director of the VCZZP David Farský, the President of the Food Chamber Dana Večeřová [...]
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Beer in danger

Could extreme weather also threaten the production of a popular drink? Climatic phenomena can have different effects on the overall yield and bitterness of hops. We can encounter combinations of events in which only one variable is extreme, but also events in which two extreme variables occur simultaneously (e.g. drought and heatwave). High temperatures and heat waves are [...]
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"It is essential that the operation of the pavilion works on a day-to-day basis and that students enter real food production as part of their work experience," says the director of the Food Pavilion.

The official opening of the Food Pavilion of the FAPPZ on the ČZU campus is approaching, several plants will be launched in basic mode at the beginning of the summer, others will gradually join. In an interview, its director Ing. David Farský. Full article at
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Like eggs to eggs

They are said to be like eggs to eggs, yet hen eggs can come in a variety of colours, shapes and sizes. The ones from my grandmothers have yolks "somehow yellower than the ones from the shops" and the neighbour's behind the fence seem bigger. But it's not just about appearances, eggs can also differ in what's under the shell - their composition. The Czech Golden-spotted hen and the Oravka hen are Czech and Slovak national breeds that were bred and raised [...]
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Food as medicine. Or is it?

Scientists have found that palm oil reduces the effectiveness of certain types of antibiotics. The resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is one of the biggest scares of the 21st century. Their growing resistance is a perfectly natural phenomenon, but it is also accelerated by the frequent and excessive use of antibiotics. One way to get rid of resistant bacteria is to use a combination of multiple drugs. However, combination treatment often brings with it a range of unwanted side effects. These can also occur [...]
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Diet of the future

Forget the amaroons. The food of our future has six legs and antennae. Finding environmentally friendly and sustainable sources of protein is certainly one of the hottest topics of the early 21st century. The main reasons for this are the growing population and the ever-increasing demands on animal production, which are impossible to meet in the long term. Insects are also currently considered as one of the promising alternatives. Insects are known as a source of quality protein and are therefore a more or less important part of the diet of people in more than 100 countries. However, its nutritional value [...]
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